Croques monsieur. Croque Monsieur is a French recipe that is essentially a toasted ham and cheese sandwich. It's easy and delicious because, like many things, the French do it better! Croque monsieur literally means "mister crunch," and it's also a classic French bar snack, a Croque monsieur first appeared on French menus in the early twentieth century and has since spread.
While not typical this version is tasty. A croque monsieur isn't just a ham and cheese sandwich. Crunchy" because it's made with toasted bread, ham. maman peut cuisiner Croques monsieur en utilisant la manière 9 ingredients and 3 . La mère peut faire it .
komposisi Croques monsieur
- la mère a besoin 8 of tranches de pain de campagne.
- la mère a besoin 50 g of beurre.
- la mère doit se préparer 4 of tranches de jambon.
- préparation 100 g of fromage râpé.
- la mère a besoin 1 of oeuf.
- la mère a besoin 1 cuillère à soupe of crème fraîche.
- préparation of Sel.
- préparation of Poivre.
- la mère doit se préparer of Cumin.
Good croque-monsieurs have a few things in common: a single layer of French ham and Gruyere pressed between two thin slices of bread. The croque monsieur is a classic French sandwich made with ham and cheese. If you could only make one dish, it arguably should be this amazingly gooey croque monsieur (that's a toasted ham and cheese sandwich). Baked ham and cheese with velvety béchamel oozing out all over the place: mind-altering.
Croques monsieur instructions
- Dans le bol d’un mixeur, ajouter le fromage, l’œuf et la crème. Saler, poivrer, ajouter une pincée de cumin et mixer, la préparation doit être assez épaisse..
- Tartiner les tranches de pain avec la préparation, ajouter du jambon et refermer. Badigeonner de beurre fondu au pinceau..
- Faire dorer dans une poêle avec un peu d’huile d’olive et le reste du beurre fondu, 6-7 minutes par face à feu doux..
Croque Monsieur. featured in Dinners Around The World. You can put these in ziplock bags and freeze them for a croque monsieur whenever you want. Master the croque monsieur with soft sourdough, gruyère, smoked ham and creamy mustard mayo. You'll relish every mouthful of this brunch classic. A time traveler's wet dream in the form of music is barely enough to describe the work of Croque.